You’re Responsible for the Sale, Not Them

This is lengthy… so grab a coffee, an apple, some popcorn or whatever else might make you happy for the next 10 minutes.

I’d like all of us, as a group of well respected professional mobile DJs, to accept more responsibility for the outcome of what is traditionally known as the “sales meeting”.

“In exchange for telling the truth, the prospect is disrespected.”

And so reads one of the lines in one of my all time favourite blog posts written by Seth Godin. I’ve read and re-read this post so many times and shared it with so many DJs that it’s virtually become a part of who I am. For the purpose of this post, here on, the above line will lead into why I believe you’re responsible for the sale, not the prospective client that you’re meeting with.

How many times on multiple DJ Facebook groups have we read words that insult the decision of a prospective client? That decision often being, not to hire a particular DJ (often the one writing those words). I’m not honestly sure I can count that high.

The greatest influence over whether a prospective client will be sold on your services is no one other then YOU. Of course, there are many other variables at play as well, but the single largest influence in the sale is YOU and your ability to convince them that you’ve got something of value to offer. Please understand that this a completely separate topic from whether they will actually purchase what you are offering (although the relationship between the two, being sold and actually purchasing, is imperative).

A client being sold on what you do isn’t the same thing as someone purchasing from you. I’m sold on a lot of different things that I don’t purchase. While I may realize the intrinsic value in something and go on to tell everyone I know how great it is, this is a very separate idea from actually buying it (I might not be able to afford it, might not need it or even want it).

The difference between being sold and actually purchasing: Imagine having a $5000 budget for a wedding photographer and finding two different photographers that fit within the budget. They both produce beautiful outstanding work that you sincerely appreciate. After meeting with both, you are sold on both of them, not finding any fault in the way they price themselves and recognizing they both create beautiful work. But in the end, you choose the one whose work holds more of an “art appeal” to you with wide open negative spaces popular throughout their imagery. You were sold on both, but only purchased from one.

If you take on the responsibility of ensuring the sale of what you do, it’ll dramatically increase the likelihood of someone actually deciding to purchase from you.

I was once at a local photographers home for a wedding vendor Christmas party. As I was engaged in conversation with the staff member of a local decorating company, she goes on to tell me that the single biggest regret her and her husband shared over their wedding which had taken place just a few months earlier, was that they hadn’t hired me for their wedding. I was slightly taken aback by that comment as I didn’t think we’d ever spoken before that day.

She went on to say that they’d spoken to me briefly at a wedding show the year before and decided, based on what I’d said, that I wasn’t worth the price I was asking and instead, chose to go the route of a far less expensive DJ. She wasn’t sold on what I had communicated. I felt terrible for her.

The DJ they booked had apparently showed up at the wedding in clothing that was far to casual for the occasion and was no where near as pleasant to work with as they’d hoped for. The DJ was their single biggest regret of the wedding.

I sincerely apologized. Yes, I apologized to them.

She insisted that it had been their fault for not choosing better, for not looking into their options in a more detailed fashion. I insisted that wasn’t the case. I explained that from my perspective, I had been given the opportunity to share with them why I was so valuable and obviously failed miserably in doing so. I felt responsible, at least in part, for the displeasure they experienced at their wedding with the DJ they hired. I apologized in part, for some of the discomfort she’d felt with the DJ they’d hired.

Seriously… what DJ does this? Would you do this?

I think you should.

I had been given the opportunity to sell them on my services. But the truth is, I had just started absorbing what people like Mark Ferrell, Bill Hermann, Randy Bartlett and Peter Merry were promoting about the worth and value of a DJ. The major disconnect was that I SUCKED at communicating my worth. A wedding couple can not be held to fault for a bad wedding decision if the vendor they’ve given a sales opportunity to can’t do so in an intelligent, clear and concise language that works for everyone involved. Seriously, why would we think otherwise? To borrow once again from that Seth Godin post I mentioned above,

“Given what they know and what they believe, the prospect is making exactly the right decision.”

I was the conduit through which they could have known and believed different and better things. I failed in properly accepting the mission they’d given me the moment we first said hello at that wedding show.

Since that day, I’ve been on a mission to educate myself as much as possible with methods, processes and ideas that help me communicate my worth to prospective clients, whether they actually purchase from me or not. My goal, with every couple I’m meeting with for the first time (that I truly want to work with) is to get one of two responses: 1) They want to hire me, or 2) they were sold on the value of my work, but hiring me simply isn’t the right decision for them (for any one or more of a variety of reasons). An example of what that #2 response might look like, from an actual couple I met with, may look like this email they sent me following our meeting:

“Thank you again for meeting with us. We really enjoyed it.

While we believe your services are worth every penny 🙂 we think that we cannot fit the services into our budget (We’ve debated a lot about it though!). We will definitely pass around your info though, and keep you in mind for our social (if it’s not new years eve, I think you said you were booked!).”

Mission accomplished in my books. This goes hand in hand with something I quoted from Gary Vaynerchuk recently in which he says, “make people who aren’t your customers wish they were.”

Not every couple will buy from you and no, not every couple will fully realize your value. But the number of couples that will realize your value, has far more to do with you and your ability to communicate to them. It has far less to do with the bias and previously held views they might have about a DJ because, if you’re good enough, you can shatter all of their preconceived notions about what a “DJ” is.

Within the international mobile DJ community, we are very lucky to have Mitch Taylor of Taylored Weddings who takes the time to share with us the most effective ways for communicating our value to prospective couples. I’ve learned more about selling my services as a mobile DJ from Mitch’s “Creative Consultations” seminar then any other single 1 hour segment of my life. Having listened to it over and over and over again, I’ve been able to raise myself to a level where I can comfortably say that 90%+ of the couples I meet with, understand and appreciate my value (even at 5-1/2 times the price of my “market average”). If I had to further break that down, I would estimate that of that 90%, a solid 90% of those couples commit my services for their wedding.

Who’s responsible for selling your services? You are. You’re responsible for the sale, not them.

Is that a lofty statement to make? Sure it is. But so is the phrase “reaching for the stars” and look how often that goal has helped people achieve success.

Argue against it, and without a doubt, you will be right. But argue for it, and there’s no telling where you’ll end up.

Actually, I can tell you where you’ll maybe end up… with Mitch Taylor at an all day workshop intensive designed to share with you all of the principals needed to make this a reality for you. It’s taking place on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Based on my own successes learning from Mitch, I can not endorse this workshop more strongly. I know of other DJs who have already made plans to fly to Winnipeg from the U.S. to attend which should speak volumes to you about the value that Mitch will be sharing in this one day experience. Flights to Winnipeg are cheap, relative to the increased sales you should experience as a result of learning from Mitch.

A soon-to-be wedded couple has reached out to you and basically said, share with us why working with you might really benefit us. If you place enough importance on that conversation, which I believe is an incredibly gracious opportunity given to you, then you’ll create far more believers in your worth and value then skeptics.

I invite you now, to become part of the belief that we are responsible for the sale, not them. You are the only thing standing in the way of that very concept. I can’t think of a downside, but let me tell you, I’ve experienced the upside.

I’d like all of us, as a group of well respected professional mobile DJs, to accept more responsibility for the outcome of what is traditionally known as the “sales meeting”.

How we all do that will vary greatly based on our resources (time, money, commitment to our business, etc.). Here’s a hint though and a great starting point:

For more information on the incredible opportunity Mitch has set up with his “Sales Is Solutions” workshop, click here, sign up and I’ll see you there!

~ Dave

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Turn Off The Noise

I’m on a serious high right now. High on life, my family, and high on my choice of profession.

An inquiry that came in earlier today just reminded me that for every single wedding I am a part of, I need to work harder (and then even harder). If I do that, great things might happen.

The inquiry is for a wedding that’ll be taking place 1,646 Kms (1,022 miles) away from where I live. The compliment of simply being asked to travel a distance like that blows my mind. It makes me think I need to seriously up my game. The pressure will really be on if they decide to book my services for their wedding. I’ll want to ensure they get every last dime of value for the money they will have invested into my services. Every dime, every penny (wait… we don’t have pennies in Canada anymore!).

The voices in my head were saying: Work hard. Then work even harder. Look what might come of it. Work hard. Stop distracting yourself with silly Facebook drama. Work at it and work at it and work at it. Just get it done! Now! Stop being so last minute with things! Look at the results that are possible when you turn off the TV and stop surfing never ending websites and Facebook groups. Why is all of that so hard? Because IT IS… really hard. It’s a habit, that’s why. And just like I tend to chew my fingernails (yes, I said it, I’m human… accept that) habits can be really, really, REALLY hard to break.

As we got to know each other via Skype last night (that was the quickest 2 hours I’ve ever experienced!) they mentioned that a few things stood out from the wedding where they first witnessed my service: Everyone was involved. I seemed instantly at ease with both families and genuinely acted as if I’d known them forever (and made them feel like it too). They loved Blake & Seanna’s first dance. People danced. It was fun. The DJ playing the role of MC worked so well and just made sense to them (wanna know more about that… go learn from these people).

A part of their inquiry as it was worded:

Anyways, our family was so impressed with the job you did at Blake & Seanna’s wedding that we just had to contact you right away. We have set a date of Oct 10, 2015 in Kelowna, BC. We would really appreciate it if you could get back to us and first let us know if you’re available (please god I hope you are) and what your pricing would be and what we would be required to cover for travel/accommodations and all that jazz.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

When we are prepared to drop the useless, push our ego aside, replace excuses with opportunities, and dive head first into what we love, nothing can stop us. And I’m not necessarily speaking about your DJ business, but whatever it might be that you sincerely want to succeed in.

That couple from above… they’ve been engaged for 6 days. SIX DAYS. They haven’t yet booked their venue or photographer. Who says the DJ is always last?

The opportunities that present themselves when you turn off the noise can — and will — come from everywhere. But you have to turn off the noise, if you know what the noise really is. I’ll write about that in a future blog post that I’m considering calling “Get rid of the sofa.”

Looking for opportunity? Can’t hear it knocking? Turn off the noise.

~ Dave T.


All content is © Dave Ternier but sharing of blog content online (Facebook, chat groups, etc.) is strongly encouraged provided the following two conditions are met: 1) Direct URL to the blog post must be shared and any part of blog quoted must be attributed to Dave Ternier or and 2) Copying and pasting an entire blog post in it’s entirety is not permissible, but if quoting, please quote no more then 1 – 2 paragraphs.

All content of may be available for reproduction for commercial purposes (print, website, email newsletter, etc.) but a request must be filed to receive approval for such use. Thanks!

Quotes from Gary Vaynerchuk

As I sit here reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s latest book  “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” and his other book titled “The Thank You Economy“, I can’t help but feel these quotes need to be shared.

If you’ve never heard of Gary and you want a pep talk on communicating your message in today’s “social media” world, stop reading this and look him up now (well ok, read this first, THEN look him up!).

From “The Thank You Economy” by Gary Vaynerchuk:

“There’s only so low you can go on price. There’s only so excellent you can make your product or service. There’s only so far you can stretch your marketing budget. Your heart, though—that’s boundless.”

Are your clients going out of their way to tell their friend who just got engaged about the service you offer? Do your past clients look for opportunities to talk non-stop about the quality service they received from you? When you arrive onsite at a wedding do the parents of the bride & groom come up to you and say “We’ve heard so many great things about you! Mike and Tegan are really happy with what you’ve done for them!” The last line in the above quote explains why some DJs get these reactions quite commonly, while others are left wondering what the big deal about their DJ competition is.

“You have to be no less than a customer concierge, doing everything you can to make every one of your customers feel acknowledged, appreciated, and heard. You have to make them feel special . . . and you need to make people who aren’t your customers wish they were.”

When inquiries come in for dates on which you’re no longer available, what is the tone of voice in that of the caller? Are they saying things like “Who else does what you do?” Make every person you come into contact with (past, current & prospective clients especially) feel like a million bucks. Why not? What have you got to lose? No sir, the question should be… what have you got to win? Lots…that’s what.

From “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk:

“There is no sale without the story; no knockout without the setup.”

Don’t tell people what you do through a “point form” method. Don’t run through a checklist in your head listing off this that and everything else (that all of your competitors likely do too). Share with them your experiences, past, present and future. Do so through story that they can relate to. If you don’t know what they’ll relate to yet, then you haven’t completed your homework. A future post I’ll be writing about Mitch Taylor’s “Sales Is Solutions” workshop will help to shed light on that.

“Content is king, but context is God.”



In the context of Gary’s book, he’s referring to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, etc and to use them in the appropriate language for which they are built. While content is king when sharing your story online, if shared in the wrong context, it is useless. It will be a waste of your time and those who come across it (people will start to tune you out). I can think of many other examples (outside of social media) that this phrase refers too also though. That’s why it stands out as a favourite for me.

“Social networking sites light up people’s dopamine pathways and the pleasure centers of their brain. Your content must do the same, and it will if it looks the same, sounds the same, and provides the same value and emotional benefits people are seeking when they come to the platform in the first place.”

Make people smile. Make them feel good. Make them laugh. Make them cry. Give them something to talk about. For my company, Special Request Weddings, I’ve done this reasonably well in the past, but these days… I need to work on this part… a lot.

Check out Gary on YouTube as well, so long as you don’t mind his occasional use of “colourful” language. His passion is contagious and he’s been a great inspiration to me. I hope he’s some inspiration to you as well!

~ Dave T.


All content is © Dave Ternier but sharing of blog content online (Facebook, chat groups, etc.) is strongly encouraged provided the following two conditions are met: 1) Direct URL to the blog post must be shared and any part of blog quoted must be attributed to Dave Ternier or and 2) Copying and pasting an entire blog post in it’s entirety is not permissible, but if quoting, please quote no more then 1 – 2 paragraphs.

All content of may be available for reproduction for commercial purposes (print, website, email newsletter, etc.) but a request must be filed to receive approval for such use. Thanks!

How Do You Perceive Value?


That challenging little word that so many of us spend so much time working on communicating. It’s easier communicating this with some people then with others, that’s true. But there’s one important factor in the equation to communicating value that I often find is overlooked.

How do you perceive value? Do you often question value?

Do you value what others might not? Or do you not value what others might?

Our business, that of a mobile DJ, is one in which value is not often assigned to anywhere near the level we may believe it could/should/want it to be. The idea that “anyone can be a DJ” is pervasive in today’s society (and even encouraged to a degree within our industry) and it would seem some days, that nothing we can say will get people to believe that we are worth more. Worth more than the $300.00 or $500.00 or $900.00 or $1200 that they had budgeted.

But, are we being hypocritical? How do you perceive value? What do you value?

Would you value what you do, if you were in the other seat? Honestly?

I was out for dinner a couple months ago with some wedding vendor colleagues. We happened to be at a really nice restaurant. One who’s decor, service and quality of food was outstanding. The atmosphere there was magnificent and as you would expect, the prices accurately reflected that.

We were discussing whether or not to place a dessert order, when one of the individuals at the table pronounced that he would not being paying $8.00 for a dessert that he knew only cost them $2.00. The tone in his voice was one of absolute contempt for the idea that he might be paying so much for something, that he understood, cost so little to make.

Know this, I have no problem — zero — with anyone saying they don’t want to pay $8.00 for dessert. That’s totally fine. That’s a lot of money for dessert!

My problem though, was in his expressed reason for not paying the $8.00. If all one believes you’re paying for is the raw materials to create that dessert, you are sadly mistaken and missing out on the bigger picture: the decor, the service, the quality, the atmosphere… every reason we chose that restaurant for. None of that comes for free, and in this case, not cheap.

Don’t want to pay $8.00 for dessert? That’s fine, but if it fits the environment it’s being presented in, appreciate it’s value, even if you’re not going to buy it.

Is someone really only paying a DJ for their music and gear and nothing else? Or are they missing out on a bigger picture?

Do you get the entire picture? Or are you much like the prospective clients who claim you are not worth your price?

How do you perceive value? Do you appreciate value?

What type of prospective client would you be? Your best, or your worst?

~ Dave T.


All content is © Dave Ternier but sharing of blog content online (Facebook, chat groups, etc.) is strongly encouraged provided the following two conditions are met: 1) Direct URL to the blog post must be shared and any part of blog quoted must be attributed to Dave Ternier or and 2) Copying and pasting an entire blog post in it’s entirety is not permissible, but if quoting, please quote no more then 1 – 2 paragraphs.

All content of may be available for reproduction for commercial purposes (print, website, email newsletter, etc.) but a request must be filed to receive approval for such use. Thanks!

Folder Structure & Layout

I’ve often been asked how it is that I seem to fly through my computer so rapidly, finding every file I need with seemingly, very little effort. Honestly, it’s because I hate having everything everywhere and have spent a lot of time organizing things in such a fashion that works well for me. As with most material and ideas on this blog, this is what works for me, your mileage may vary.

The screen shots you’ll see in this post are of a series of folders that I’ve created based on the exact working folders that I use. The content of them, for the purposes of this blog, is fictitious. As well, I’ve chosen to display everything in “column” view so that you can get a better idea of what folder lead to what.
Continue reading “Folder Structure & Layout”