Perogies to Palm Trees

In 2012, I worked with Brad and Jenna on their wedding.

Later in 2012, I worked with Mike and Jillian on their wedding.

In 2014, I worked with Barret and Tatiana on their wedding.

In 2016, I worked with Scott and Lyndsay on their wedding.

Why, in 2016, did Scott and Lyndsay hire me?

Scott and Lyndsay hired me because they were impressed enough with my work at Barret and Tatiana’s wedding…who were impressed with my work at Mike and Jillian’s wedding…who were impressed with my work at Brad and Jenna’s wedding. But how did I come to work, in the first place, with Brad and Jenna?

Brad and Jenna hired me because I had gotten to know Brad’s mom. But who is Brad’s mom?

I take great care to work well with all vendors at weddings I am involved with. I will go out of my way, whenever possible, to make their job easier for the success of the event. Brad’s mom worked for one of those vendors…a caterer who makes the greatest perogies you have ever had. Because of my working relationship with this caterer and her staff, Brad’s mom, one of the staff members, passed my name along to her son Brad and his (at the time) fiancé Jenna.

Returning now to the path of events I describe at the start of this post, my relationship with a caterer and her staff ultimately led to Scott and Lyndsay hiring my services for their wedding. Their wedding was something special though, because it was a destination wedding in a hot, hot place, surrounded by golf courses and palm trees. To secure my DJ and MC services for their wedding, they spent just over $6000.

The next time you are feeling impatient with a photographer putting their stuff everywhere…or the videographer trying to plug something into your board…or the wedding planner causing you nothing but grief…understand the difference between the short term and long term effects of your response to the situation.

I know how frustrating things can be, in the short term, to deal with at an event (trust me, been there, done that!). But in the long run, your skills in kindness, patience and generosity might pay off and lead to some very unexpected places…like they did for me with Scott and Lyndsay’s wedding. I am only one of many DJs with stories like this.

Relationships are kind of like buying a lottery ticket. There is no way, with 100% accuracy, to predict the outcome. I do not buy lottery tickets, but I do work on relationships. Relationships are my preferred choice of “chance games.”

I never know, with absolute certainty, which relationships will last and work out and which ones won’t, but some have led me to unusually favourable outcomes, even if that outcome took a few years to materialize.

I think I’ll keep playing.

I would suggest the same for you.


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6 thoughts on “Perogies to Palm Trees”

  1. I totally agree and one thing that I pride our business on is how we ALL work well with Vendors, because you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. EXCEPT for when company’s take shortcuts in the their job and ask you to correct issues if things happen when they are not there and interrupt your services for why you are there. Sorry don’t respect nor ever respect or help, short cut businesses to save a dollar or two…Cheers

    1. Yes…but…my suggestion would be to always take the high road…for the sake of the event (if what you’re talking about is happening at a live event). If I can correct something without it causing myself discomfort or without compromising the job I am to be doing for the event, I’ll do it. Just get ‘er done…deal with the “problem” after the event. #theshowmustgoon

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